Friday, September 9

The Consumer Science Behind Social Sharing

Consumer behavior plays a strong role in why some offers generate response, why some offers are spread, and how they are ultimately redeemed. Synergy Vx software is designed to capitalize on known consumer behaviors, particularly peoples strong tendency - genetic compulsion in fact- to imitate others.  

Synergy Vx Platform acts as an accelerator, using social networks to spread offers amongst prospective customers with similar demographics to current customers. How? Viral Social Sharing. 

And while it sounds complicated, the software embellishes the value of traditional marketing exponentially with the simple addition of a Smart PURL or Social URL. 

By having a solid offer driving to a simple, well developed and branded microsite. Once the consumer has landed on the landing page,  Synergy VX uses a survey process that rewards customer interaction. And while it is counter intuitive for traditional marketers to place step in the way of redemption, consumer psychology has explained why asking the customer to participate and interact actually increases conversion. 

Because the consumer has participated in the selling process and contributed time and effort into going to the microsite and filling out the survey form, they are compelled to not only finish the activation, but also to collect on the reward promised for their efforts via the redemption process.  Since this offer has to be earned through an activation process, these offers have a higher perceived value attached to them. Science dictates that having earned the Synergy Vx offer, the recipient feels compelled by "Loss Aversion" to redeem it.

Additionally, the Synergy Vx platform capitalizes on the "seeking system" which is even more powerful than the rewards system.  The one click broadcast enables users to utilize facebook, twitter, email and other platforms so that a company now receives endless third party endorsements along each redemption. New prospects receving offers from their peers rather than through a company are eager and accepting of offers endorsed by people that they associate with.