Tuesday, August 7

Expanding your Social Media Beyond Just Facebook and Twitter

Social Media: Are You Walking in a Maze To Get Lost In?
Social Media Marketing is an important part of most businesses. An online presence broadens your customer base in ways traditional advertising cannot. However, with the seemingly endless number of social media sites, how do you know which ones are worth your time and which ones aren't?

We all know the standard: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These sites are essential for a social media campaign. Everyone is on them. If your not, your strange. Beyond the Big 3 though, which sites work for marketing your business, and which sites are a waste of your time? 

With So Many Social Media Sites,
Pick Only the Best Ones For Your Business
Much of determining this comes from what type of business you have and how you are looking to market it. Some sites, such as Digg and Reddit are great resources to create additional exposure for your blog and written content. Adding yourself to these sites will help you generate traffic, but they are not necessarily the best sites for visual information. If you are an art gallery and looking to display works, Pinterest and Dribbble (no that is not a typo, there are 3 'b's) are more likely to represent your brand better. With all the sites out there, do your homework before committing to a social media site which might not represent your brand in the most efficient way. 

The most important aspect of these minor social media sites is the additional exposure they give to your site, so make sure everything you post is linked. Additionally, make sure you update it regularly. The quickest way to loose your internet presence is to be inconsistent with your posts.
Social Media Content is Like Food!
People Want It Fresh! So Update Your Content Consistently

For blogs, make sure you have new content at least once a week. For sites like Facebook, make sure you post something new every few days if not more frequently. And for businesses, posting on Twitter daily is highly recommended.

Now all that seems like a lot of time spent on social media. But thankfully, you don't have to do it all alone. While there are thousands of social media sites out there, there are just about as many programs that help you manage your social media sites, like HootSuite just to name one. These sites allow you to post one message across some, one, or all of your social media pages. More importantly, using these sites you can schedule posts at specific times and dates, months in advance, if you choose.
Schedule Your Social Media
So You Don't Feel the Pressure
of Keeping Up With It Everyday!

Facebook and Twitter are excellent but overpopulated resources. In order for them to really help your company, you must explore other social media sites and build a network across multiple platforms. While we all live in the world of instant celebrity and viral videos, building a business presence through social media takes time and hard work, so be patient and persistent, and the followers will come.

By: Will Pearlman

Synergy can help you with all your marketing needs, get a FREE quote online or call us at 877-466-0635.