Monday, July 2

Save 2% off your postage from the USPS in July and August!

Bringing 2% off postage,
Now that's good news!
The Summer is a great time of the year to send out a direct mail campaign. People are out and about and looking for exciting businesses and sales that meet their wants and needs. Right now the United States Postal Service is offering a discount on your direct mail postage from July 1, 2012 until August 31st, 2012. When you send a direct mail campaign with a QR code, you'll receive 2% off the cost of postage!

How It Works

There are 2 requirements in order to get the discount. The first requirement is that you must have a QR code on your mailer that takes you to a mobile optimized site. However, any marketing campaign using QR codes is worthless unless your site is mobile optimized, since most people don't scan QR codes on their desktop computers. So the requirement makes sense.

A QR code (like this one)
is all you really need for the discount!
The second requirement is an option. You can either have your QR take you to an "e-commerce" site as it is called, or you just need a personalized landing page. Now for those of us who aren't the most tech savvy, this might seem like a lot of work to get 2% off postage. However, using a personalized and mobile optimized landing page in your marketing campaign is extremely beneficial and will increase your return on investment and conversion rate from your direct marketing campaign. Not to mention, it'll make your company look pretty cool. To learn more about personalized landing pages and the benefits and analytics involved, check this out!

The other option is to have your QR code take someone to an "e-commerce" site, where they can make a direct purchase from your company or donation to your organization. For example, if you send a catalog, your QR code must take someone to a site where they can directly purchase an item from your catalog, not just your company webpage.
It's that easy, so what are you waiting for? Call Synergy and Let Us Save You 2% on Postage and Increase Your Sales This Summer!

Get 2% off postage on your next direct mail campaign
Contact Synergy at (877) 466-0635 or get a FREE quote online!