Thursday, August 23

Back to School Means Back to Business!

Back to School Means
Back to Business!

As the days begin to get shorter again and with the school year right around the corner, it's time to get back to the regular flow of business. As people return from the various summer activities re-energized, what are you doing to capture that energy to help your business grow? 

Here are a few tips from Synergy to help your business blossom as we head into the autumn months . . . 

1. Focus on 1 Product, Offer, or Service - Whatever your marketing and whatever your strategy, don't confuse your customers and prospects by sending them multiple promotional opportunities. 
Focus your campaign on one product or service
to avoid creating a nebulous haze for your prospects.
Your advertising is merely getting the conversation going, then when they contact your business, either online, via phone, or in-person, they will be exposed to your wide range of products. But keep it simple in your advertising otherwise you will lose their attention and lose a customer.

2. Track Your Campaign - With programs like Vx from Synergy, and countless other tools available, its easy to track your marketing campaign and gather information about your prospects, so make sure you do it. The more you know about your marketing the more successful you'll be, so don't be lazy about it, it'll pay off for you in the end!

You'll save money by only sending your advertising to people its relevant to and you'll get a high response rate because you can make a more specific appeal. 

3. Target Your Campaign - The old saying goes, "when your marketing to everyone, you market to no one." No campaign can appeal to every person, so find the niche that is best for your company and design your marketing around their needs.