Fortunately for you, we have a few tried and true tactics proven to send response rates soaring skyward. doubtful? Try one, or try them all and watch your direct mail campaign gain back the attention of your audience.
The Outer Envelope:
Rotate your Envelopes: By the second or third time a prospect sees an envelope, they already know what is inside of it. By taking a control piece and switching the envelope regularly, you will keep people guessing.
Use a live Stamp: A live stamp gives the feeling of a smaller mailing, rather than a bulk sales message or worse.... bills. Putting a live stamp on the envelope gives the impression that someone sat down and addressed that envelope just for them, a nice personal touch.
Test the Next Size Up: An ordinary #10 envelope can get lost in the hoards of mail flooding out of our mail boxes. By swapping a #10 envelope for a 9x12 we have seen response rates jump up more than 300%
Test a Vellum or Plastic Envelope: Sometimes being able to see the contents of an envelope is enough to entice the reader to open it. Along the same lines, try using a larger window on a regular #10 envelope. Having the first line visible to the recipient can grab their attention.
"Bulk" it up: Anything to keep the envelope from looking flat will encourage recipients to open it. We have tested sending out pieces in a UPS envelope and got a 99% open rate.
The Letter
Put the Call to action everywhere. And then put it again. People are easily distracted, and do not want to have to look for for a website or phone number in order to redeem your offer, make it as obvious as possible.
Use White Space: it makes it easier to read if you give readers eyes a place to rest on the page, and draws attention to important offers in text. A letter needs proper layout and structure, to be sure to use 1 1/4 inch margins, but also to indent paragraphs, and the offer.
Test Script font: Non-profits in particular benefit from this one to make letters seems more "real" but before testing this one, make sure that script is easy to read- or perhaps try a script salutation and signature.
Simplify Verbage: Using words people don't understand is a good way to get them to throw away your letter. make sure that text is easy to read and understand, and avoid any technical jargon. People don't want to have to get a dictionary to understand what you mean.
Brighten Up your offer. Think about the words you use, and the emotional response your aiming for. People don't identify with percentages so associate more value with offers that tell them the dollar amount saved. The word free is a powerful motivator and including an expiration date increases the sense of urgency and will get people to act fast.
The Brochure
Put your strongest foot forward: Put the biggest benefit to your product or service on the cover, and entice people to keep reading. Having a great visual associated with this is also important- people are not always great readers and an unexpected or unusual visual increases response.
Personalize the Cover: 69% of people will open your mailer if their name is on it. Personalization is a great way to boost reader engagement and the cost of digital printing is easily outweighed by the increase in response.
Clearly label the response device: whether you want people to call in or go online, or even fill out a BRC- people will not do it if the cannot find it. Use bright colors and big fonts and repeat repeat repeat.
Make the Offer sound exclusive: Making people feel like they might miss out on an opportunity is a great way to get them to act quickly.
Don't use an ordinary BRE- there is no law that says a BRE has to be white.... make it yellow, or put the offer right on it. Stamp it "priority processing" or "first class" to make it seem important. Or better yet, skip the BRE and go high tech with a PURL. Adding a PURL can increase response 60% and saves money on returned postage.
Put a Prize in the Box: Product placement advertising is back in a big way. Adding a magnet or another "special prize" makes the mailer seem more valuable or least something to get people talking!
Re-mail quickly- Don't wait longer than 3-5 days to re-mail, otherwise you risk people forgetting what they received before.