Friday, October 19

How To: Have Patience While Marketing

You know those people that have absolutely zero patience for anything? Sitting in traffic, slow service at a restaurant on a busy night, waiting for a text message, too many commercials during a playoff game...

I'm not a naturally patient person. At all. After working as a nanny throughout college, I learned that it was a trait I really needed to master. Here are some of my thoughts on having patience while implementing a media or marketing program.

After implementing a marketing campaign the last thing anyone wants to do is wait. The whole idea behind direct response marketing is that you get a direct, immediate response. Let's be real here. As a society we crave instant gratification. We know what we want and when we want it.

The first step is to look at your brand. Do you have one? Who are you? What do you represent? How are consumers going to remember you? This is all key information that needs to be figured out. Get creative and create a brand that people will remember you by.

It's not a quick and painless process. Once you create your brand or marketing program the waiting game begins - and if you are like me, it will be brutal. So what do you do? Keep working. Make a list of your short term and long term goals and focus on them. Rather than getting frustrated over waiting for leads, prospects, campaign participation or what whatever else it is, work on carrying out your goals. Don't stray your focus.

The economy isn't what it used to be. Even if funds are limited I encourage you to stay in the game by finding innovative ways to manage your efforts. In the long run it will pay off. I promise.

Talk to me: Are you patient? How do you stay patient when it comes to any sort of media/marketing project?

-Marysa Miller
You can follow me on Twitter @marysa_miller