Thursday, October 11

Synergy University: Social Media Around the World 2012

This post is part of a series called Synergy University. Think of it like a 4 week course you take in school except that we will not be assigning homework or exams and we promise not to put you to sleep.  Follow our posts on Twitter with the hashtag  #SynergyUniversity!

InSites Consulting have just released a new study to show how people are using social media this year. There are some really interesting figures presented in the report and we want to share a few of our favorites with you.  This study looked at 7,827 people’s social media usage across 19 countries and contains over 2,000 facts and figures.

Social is stable!
One of the interesting statements from the report is that users are happy with their online lives and have no intention of quitting social media.  More than seven out of ten internet users belong to at least one social network.   Six out of ten users use at least one platform daily.

What do people like?
Not surprisingly, the top brands online were Dove, Coca Cola, Samsung, H&M, Apple and Nike.  Why are they so successful?  They connect personally.  The sectors that are most followed are fashion, food, retail, and entertainment.   

Negativity is low, and that’s a good thing.
InSites reports that only 10% of social interactions with brands are negative.  Talk about excellent crisis control.  The three online conversation starters are as experience, promotions, service and competitions.

We want to know: What's your favorite brand online?