Tuesday, October 2

Synergy University: Infographics 101

This month we are excited to introduce a new blog series to you called Synergy University.  Think of it like a 4 week course you take in school except that we will not be assigning homework or exams and we promise not to put you to sleep.  Follow our posts this month on Twitter with the hashtag  #SynergyUniversity!

You have probably heard the term infographic floating around the internet lately.  If you have not then you may be thinking: “What is an infographic?” “How do I get my hands on one?” “What do I do with it?”

Well, we are glad you asked.

An information graphic is an image that contains organized information relating to a particular topic or subject.  They are not only a great way to brand yourself or your company but they make data, numbers, and statistics visually appealing. 


If you think you need to be a graphic design expert to create infographics, think again!  There are tons of easy ways to make your own infographics through online generators.  Online generators are an effective and efficient way to put your ideas into design and learn how to manage analytics.  When looking at the final product make sure that you like it.  Do not settle for something just because you want content to share.  If you are not excited about your creation, you probably will not be too excited to share it.  Makes sense, right?

Now that you have your hands on a pretty little infographic it’s time to make it go viral.  You know all those social media platforms you use?  Take your image file and upload.  You can post the image file to Twitter, your Facebook Page, a blog and/or website, Tumblr, and Pinterest.  Remember: sites like Tumblr and Pinterest allow you to link your image.  Link your image to a website or blog to make sure that you are driving traffic.

Infographic Generators

We want to know:  In your opinion, what is the best thing about an infographic?