Thursday, October 25

Synergy University: Color 101

This post is part of a series called Synergy University. Think of it like a 4 week course you take in school except that we will not be assigning homework or exams and we promise not to put you to sleep.  Follow our posts on Twitter with the hashtag  #SynergyUniversity!

One of the main goals behind direct mail marketing is to get customers to respond to a call to action.  The next goal is to close a sale. 

In past blog posts, we have discussed some of the ways that you can create effective direct mail.  Have you ever considered the fact that the colors used in your direct mail could create higher or lower response rates?

Color is a form of nonverbal communication that expresses an idea, emotion, feeling, or thought.  Research has shown that color "increases brand identity, assists in memory, increases a reader's participation in ads, and improves readership, learning, and comprehension."  This idea is called Color Psychology.  According to an article by Kendra Cherry, “certain colors can raise blood pressure, increase metabolism, or cause eyestrain.”


Think about the analytic aspect of designing mail.  Focus on the outcome that you desire from your direct mail campaign and think about how to complement you copy with specific color choices.  Look at the text above and below this paragraph.  Which one catches your attention?  The color red is known for evoking a sense of importance, urgency, and danger.  Stay away from using your favorite colors on a mail piece.  Just because you love them and want to use them doesn't mean that they are going to be effective.


Here are some direct mail pieces that use color to complement their copy:

Green: luxurious

Purple: wisdom

Orange: joy

Blue: peace

Black: elegance

We want to know: Do you pay attention to colors?  What color catches your eye in a pile of mail?

Our creative and experienced team at Synergy knows how to get readers to open your mail with attention-grabbing colors and copy.  Give us a call today at 714-824-3780 to speak with one of our friendly, knowledgeable Sales Representatives who can answer all your questions!