Friday, May 6

Stand on your Soapbox... and Tweet.

....Umm... hello out there?
"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" Back in the days when newspapers were the only source of mainstream news, a platform and a booming voice were all anyone needed to gather a crowd for a big announcement. But now days, calling attention to your company is not so simple. Big brands and small companies alike are screaming about their products and services from every rooftop, platform, stage and soap box they can clamor to the top of- and customers are sick of hearing it. Instead of gathering around these screaming corporate giants, people are essentially hiding from them; opting out of emails, “un-friending” on Facebook, or un-following on Twitter. What is the trick to gathering a crowd that is not only listening to what you have to say, but actually engaged, excited, and ready act on your announcement?

With more than 16 million facebook
fans, Skittles gets social media.
Their quirky funny status keep fans
chuckling and always ready for more.

To really keep virtual friends and fans engaged in your online brand you need to speak to them about something of interest to them specifically. Don't be afraid to give back to the community.