Thursday, June 30

5 reasons PURLS are great (and 2 reasons VX PURLS are better still)

The world of marketing is changing at light speed right now, with the the constant evolution of social media platforms and viral sharing all this technical mumbo-jumbo can be dauting for a marketer, not to mention customers. That is why we love PURLS so much at here at Synergy. Yes, they are a little more technologically advanced than say a simple postcard, but there is nothing overly complicated about it. Must be why campaigns with PURLS typically see a 30-60% increase in response.

5 reasons PURLS are great (and 3 reasons VX PURLS are better still)

1) They are still "cool" without being scary. PURLS do a great job of incorporating social media and other forms of online marketing into a mail campaign, but they will not intimidate users that are.... less than technologically savvy. While QR codes are great for this also, they can be intimidating to a prospect who has never seen one before, and can be a big detourant for someone that might have previously redeemed your offer. Almost everyone knows what to do with a URL, but  actually having the prospects name in the URL will catch their attention because that is new and a little exciting. Not to mention, adding the prospects name will make them feel a little special. People like a little personal attention.

Monday, June 20

Stop Interrupting me. Seriously. It's rude.

Even the most adorable brand image
can irritate the wrong demographic.
I grew up with 3 younger brothers. And while it was a brilliant, exciting, and a busy way to grow up, dinner time will forever be known in my parents’ house as the witching hour. When food finally hit the bellies of three excited little men, a quiet chatter of booger stories, entree swaps, and tales from the sandbox, would grow into a roar of armpit farts and hysterical giggles. Then about halfway through the meal, mom, exasperated at trying to carry on a conversation, would finally holler "STOP INTERRUPTING ME! IT'S RUDE!" And the roaring boys would scale back their commentary to a temporary whisper, allowing the adults a few brief minutes in which to enjoy their meal.

Well times have changed and my three little men are no longer so little, they are now 3 strapping athletes, that can hold their tongues (and booger stories) until after dinner. But I could not help but to be reminded of many dinners past and moms' fervent enforcement of table manners while I was watching my favorite TV show recently... Without TiVo (queue ominous music).

Literally every time something exciting happened the station would flip on five minutes of the most obnoxious TV commercials I have endured (due to the aforementioned TiVo, commercials are immediately and righteously obliterated with my lightening quick fast forward finger). Mom's mantra repeated itself in my head. But unfortunately for me, brands are far tougher to convince of manners than my brothers seemed to be.

It got me thinking. Perhaps, it might be good for marketing departments everywhere to take a lesson from dear old Mom.

What is your TFF Ratio?

Your TFF Ratio (Twitter Follower-Friend Ratio) is the ratio of your followers to friends (or people who you follow). The higher the ratio, the more Twitter heat you pack.

A ratio of less than 1.0 indicates that you are seeking knowledge (and Twitter Friends), but not getting much Twitter Love in return. Check your pulse, you might be a bot.

A ratio of around 1.0 means you are respected among your peers. Many people think that a ratio of around 1.0 is the best - you're listening and being listened to.

A ratio of 2.0 or above shows that you are a popular person and people want to hear what you have to say. You might be a thought leader in your community.

A TFF Ratio 10 or higher indicates that you're either a Rock Star in your field or you are an elitist and you cannot be bothered by Twitter's mindless chatter. You like to hear yourself talk. Luckily others like to hear you talk, too. You may be an ass.

Friday, June 3

Design Dreamy Direct Mail. All By yourself.

Direct Mail design is a tricky business, and a good design can make all the difference in the success of a mail campaign. So we decided to make good use of our talented design team, to inspire you all to create your own dreamy direct mail piece.