The internet has created a virtual Pandora's box for marketing- allowing companies to reach customers through more mediums than ever before. However, at some point this revolution lead to the popular misconception that the younger generation of consumers have no interest in offers presented via direct mail. For shame we say. For it seems that direct mail has the unique ability to cut through the marketing noise of offers targeted to youths and generate....(wait for it).... a response.
Don't believe us? Well my marketing mavens, numbers don't lie. A recent study of the response to standard mail pieces by age of head of house hold (completed by the DMA in 2011 none the less) shows that of those respondents aged 22-24 more than 18% say they will respond to direct mail. But the real kicker is that this is a 12.8% increase over previous years- meaning not only is direct mail working, but it is working better than ever and
growing in popularity amongst younger consumers. And its not just youngsters looking to respond to mail, studies have registered that a wide range of consumer demographics are becoming more and more likely to respond to multiple formats of direct mail- including everything from post cards to catalogs.