Thursday, March 15

Envelope Mailing: The secret of the 99% open rate

Post cards are great, but sometimes (particularly in business to business mailings) post cards cannot deliver even close to the response of a postcard. Why? A letter presented in an envelope is more likely to be delivered to the addressee, the purchaser, rather than get tossed out by the person who filters the mail.  Often, a letter in an envelope is a more formal way to reach out to prospects and customers, but the distinct disadvantage is that in order to present your offer, you have to convince your prospect to first open the envelope.  Thankfully, we have some experience here and we are willing to share what we have figured out from many mailings past.

Should YOU test your mailer in an envelope?
Sneak past the gate keeper

            Some companies’ products and services are better suited to mailers sent in envelopes than others. Generally speaking, any business to business mailer will have a higher response if mailed in an envelope- even if it is as simple as sticking a postcard into an envelope. A plain envelope is the most likely to get past the administrative assistant sorting mail and into the hands of decision makers The goal is to get the offer past the assistant sorting mail and into the hands of decision makers.  Finance companies, insurance companies, and credit offers are always better served in an envelope. But it doesn’t stop there, our envelope mailings have worked for many professionals including; doctors, dentists, realtors, home improvement companies, travel agencies, and many others!
 Advertisements for anything generally perceived as an impulse buy is better left out of an envelope so offers can be used to grab the attention of the reader as they sort through the “junk” mail.  

Target with Precision

            We might sound like a broken record here, but data selection is the most important part of any mail campaign. Regardless of design, offer, personalization or any other features you equip your mailer with, you will not evoke a response unless you are soliciting the appropriate audience. Take extra care when ordering or selecting the list of those you wish to mail to, and consider working with your local data vendor to create a “customer model” of your ideal prospective buyer.
Once you have selected the ideal mailing list you need to optimize the layout and design of your piece to best entice those who will be receiving your mailer.  One of the best ways to grab the eye of any potential customer is to call them out by name.  Instead of addressing the envelope to RESIDENT, CEO, or valued customer, address the envelope with the name of the person you wish to reach. If you do not have this information in your own data, there are plenty of data companies that can provide you with a list of names, addresses, job titles, and even phone numbers if you wish.The more your mailer appears like a personal correspondence, the more likely your potential client will open and read it, so even consider putting a little note on the front of the envelope with the prospects first name inviting them to look inside. Keep in mind that 69% of people will open an envelope just because there name is on it.

Be Consistent.

            A recent study conducted at Cornell University by Dr. Alice Isen concluded that, regardless of the product, if people are familiar with the brand, they will rate a product more favorably if they like it and less harshly if they do not. Therefore, the more familiar a prospect is with your brand, logo, and offer, the more favorably they will feel towards it. Response and redemption rates prove this theory; the best response rates occur the second or third time a piece is mailed to the same list. If you’re worried about getting boring, rotate the outer envelope to keep your prospects guessing. People are forgetful, so sending the same mailer multiple times can serve as a gentle reminder about your offer. Just be careful not to drive people crazy (Read More).